Information for Teachers
Preparation For Your Trip
Pre-camp information:
Please make sure parents and students have the information they need. We recommend hosting a "pre-trip meeting" to distribute information and handouts, as well as to address any questions.
We can provide a video and slide deck for your convenience.
Please fill out the informational forms about your trip as requested in the timeline handout. We will use that information to assign student groups to cabins and hiking groups and create the weekly schedule.
A completed online registration and health form for each student and adult.
A completed School Information Form
A completed form for student groups
​If you are using our staff cabin leaders (Thousand Pines site only), please use the Cabin Grouping Form.
If you are providing your own chaperones, please use the trail grouping form and work with our team on the size of your cabin groups, which will be determined by camp and housing.
A completed Program Selection Form
The school is responsible for completing and turning in any additional release forms that the host camp facility may require outside the American Outdoor Education registration forms.
Responsibilities of the school include:
Transportation for the students to and from the program, and a vehicle to stay onsite for emergencies.
A certificate of insurance must be sent to American Outdoor Education before the program.
Overnight supervision information
If your school is providing chaperones, it must be within the ratio appropriate to the host site's cabin accommodations, with at least one male and one female counselor if both boys and girls are attending.​
If our program is providing staff cabin leaders, cabin groupings will need to follow our adult-to-student ratio as well as be appropriate sizes for the host site's cabin accommodations and our own staffing assignments.
If your school is providing chaperones, select an adult (teacher or chaperone) as your first aid person. They should have a first aid kit, first aid and CPR certification, and access to a vehicle onsite for emergencies.